Melatonin lets your body know that it is time to go to bed. Aside from this, this hormone also helps your body to stay young. As a matter of fact, the cold helps you produce more melatonin. Actually, what you need to do is keep your room temperature under 70 degrees F. Preferably, it should be around 60 degrees F.
According to research studies, if you want to burn calories while asleep, you may want to sleep in a room with a consistent temperature of 66 degrees F. Aside from this, this habit helps you raise the level of brown fat in your body. As a result, you can VitaHear Plus Review
reduce your risk of certain diseases, such as diabetes.
At night, if you are in a room that is too hot or too cold, your system will work harder to keep your body temperature regulated. According to a doctor, cooler temperatures are associated with deeper sleep. On the other hand, hotter environments tend to increase your wakefulness but reduce your slow wave sleepiness.