Now turn on the protection from Melee. Continue to run all day long. You shouldn't eat food when you're sick. Drink anti-poison when you are poisoned, and drink an energy drink in case you're exhausted. When you reach the traps for OSRS gold claws, you can apply your plank to the traps.
You can then go through the end of the tunnel to find three gnomes. Talk to Zooknock the mage gnome. He will tell your that he requires these items. A Monkey amulet mold, Monkey remains, a Monkey talisman and an Monkey bar. Use the Gold Bar, Monkey Denture and Amulet Mould with Zooknock and then he gives a "Enchanted Bar" and monkey amulet mould.
It was RuneHq. I'm now bummed that I'm not able to get the Monkey Talisman and Monkey Rests because Sal's Quest Help did not have them. I'm unable to cheap RuneScape gold obtain Enchanted bars with my Gold bar Monkey Dentures and Monkey Amould...