As for clan leaders I'm a big fan RS gold of Lady Hefin, Lord Amlodd and Lady Meilyr. I love the overall appearance of Lady Meilyr, she looks like some sort of hippy elf. When you meet her for the first time she's all high and everything. She's also among the most useful elf leaders overall with all of the Herblore (especially the Herblore, burned 10Mish purchasing recipes last night and is eager to learn the levels to use the recipes) and Dungeoneering stuff.
Lord Amlodd Lord Amlodd, who is similar to him, seems to be the most serious of the clan's leaders. I also like the clan's crest. Lady Hefin is a favorite of my. I think it's pretty amazing how young she stays thanks to prayer and clean eating habits. Also, she is a kind of fitness obsessed priest who goes to the OSRS buy gold gym each day and does not get old. Lady Trahaearn or Lady Meilyer are not the only clan chiefs to are slow to age or don't at all. But, they make use of potions and other mechanisms to get the same effect, but it's not nearly as cool.