What did you get to know? You must be thinking that RuneScape gold you didn't believe that one of the lesser beings could deceive me did you? Perhaps a gnome mage? My apprentice Glouph and I were the only ones. It's a weak position regardless. You are real. They have been aiding Lucien! Ha! Lucien, help! I guess you don't have as much information as we thought you did.
Lucien will be gone from your concerns soon. Worry less about him than me. The only thing that he's ever had is making the Armadyl staff. In addition, he was instrumental in killing the meddler Hazelmere. Meddler? You did him wrong! You killed Argento this way! Argento was a sought-after creation by Guthix. He was worthy of dying. He should have been dead. I'll show you how.
Let them enjoy themselves. Hreidmar You and your men are responsible for the other intruders. I'll take care of [your name] myself. You'll now have to combat Wyvoch again. Wyvoch can make use of magic and melee at the same moment. Your prayer is the same as it was before, but only a partial refuge. Half health will lead you to a place quite far away in Dorgeshkan where Zanik is recovering and asks you to assist him. Another cutscene shows several White Knights fighting the Red Axe Co.
Chaos Dwarves. Back to the current situation and, at this point Wyvoch will begin using a ranged attack which may be able to explode into dragonfire in conjunction with other attacks. It is advised to wear an antidragon shield and Dragonfire Shield. He can teleport if health is at a low. Whenever you see the kin's bar turning completely red, that's the way they'll act. They'll leave behind any items that you get, just as if you'd killed them.
Take the path to the summit by climbing up the ladder near the temple. Lucien is determined to become god through Seren's power. He will start staggering though. He will eventually realize that his own strength has been diminished by combining the power of Armadyl with his own, because Armadyl is evil, and Armadyl is good. Lucine won't believe you until he is down to his knees. Contemplating that he must get rid of the staff of Armadyl, he talks to you"Fine. It's okay! First, tell me that you're going to buy RS gold let me walk.